
Early Childhood Education Program

For Two-Year-Olds

Energetic and Curious

At Big Blue Marble Academy, we create an environment that nurtures and embraces the high-energy attitudes of two-year-olds by giving them plenty of room to explore. Our curriculum for this age group incorporates music and movement to introduce children to new skills in fun and memorable ways, build their confidence, and help strengthen their love of learning. A typical day can include songs, storytime, music, and movement during “Circle Time” and “Free Choice,” which gives children the opportunity to make choices about what activity they would like to participate in based on their own interests. Our childhood program focuses on providing enriching learning experiences for young children in our child care center. Our childhood education classes are designed to support their brain development, promote literacy skills, and introduce new math concepts.

In addition to personal care and routines, our teachers focus on:

Approaches to Play and Learning

This is an age where children show interest in a growing range of ideas, people, and things. Our early childhood education curriculum and learning program encourages two-year-olds to begin to learn how to stay on task for a short period of time and persist with a challenge all through thoughtfully planned learning experiences that center around playtime.

Cognitive Development

At two, children are more active learners. We offer children opportunities to start building concepts and understanding in science, engineering, math, and more. Magnifying glasses, magnets, puzzles, stringing beads, linking toys, our science childhood program materials, math preschool program materials, pegs, and pegboards are just some of the items you’ll find in our classroom to help develop children’s cognitive skills. Preschool teaching staff is also available for extra guidance and support.

Communication and Language Development

Through effective use of sounds and expressions, we encourage your child’s further development of their language and communication skills. We also introduce foreign language learning through songs and active play in our early childhood education program. Early childhood education programs from our academy can play a crucial role in child development with both our early childhood learning program and preschool program.

Physical Development

Playing outdoors, often twice a day, helps two-year-olds develop their motor skills. Through activities that incorporate play with scooping sand, pouring water, smearing paint, and kneading Play Doh, children begin to develop the fine motor skills that will contribute to their writing skills later on. We also continue to focus on other age-appropriate developmental skills, such as potty training in our childhood program. Physical childhood education is highly valued in our preschool program. This physical development learning program is an integral part of our curriculum.

Social and Emotional Development

Dramatic play has been proven to be an effective way to help young children learn social and emotional skills while developing their problem-solving abilities. As two-year-olds begin to transition from parallel play to interacting with their peers, we provide more opportunities in our preschool learning program to foster their growing sense of independence and curiosity about the world around them. We help role model how to get their needs met and to be aware of the needs of others in our early childhood education programs.

Age-Appropriate Learning

Interactive Learning

We encourage learning through music, art, physical activity, and sensory play.

Twos Development

In addition to creative learning, we also focus on other developmental skills such as potty training.